Sacramento 4-H County Ambassador
2024-2025 Ambassadors
Abbi. L - Youth Experiences in Science (YES) Program
Kiran K. - Youth Experiences in Science (YES) Program and Cooking Academy
Gregor Y. - Youth Experiences in Science (YES)
Lillian H - Badger Creek 4-H Club
Elia R. - Galt 4-H Club

Adult Coaches
Ramona Temple - Galt 4-H Club
Check back next spring to apply to be a County Ambassador!
What is a County Ambassador?
A County Ambassador is a representative and champion of the 4-H program in the county. County Ambassadors act as visible 4-H members - role models for their fellow 4-H members, their county, their state and their world. Our Sacramento 4-H County Ambassadors will be a youth leadership team that works closely with County Ambassador Coaches to bring opportunities to other 4-H members in our county and gain additional leadership and life skills.
County Ambassador Qualifications
- Between 14-18 years old and meet the 4-H membership requirements for the length of the term of service. On the first day of the appointment to County Ambassador, applicant must be at least 14 years old.
- Applicant must have completed at least one year of membership in 4-H prior to the year of application. Membership doesn't not have to be the most recent consecutive year.
- Applicant must have demonstrated leadership experience and skills. To ensure that the position of County Ambassador is open to all 4-H members in all program delivery modes, a member must document the following:
- Master of a project with at least 6 hours of project instructions (club projects, Cooking Academy, YES project, 4-H Resident Camp, On the Wild Side project).
- Significant leadership roles either inside or outside of 4-H.
- Citizenship or community service, either inside or outside of 4-H.
- Public speaking experience, either inside or outside of 4-H.
Applications Due - TBD
Individual Zoom Interview - To be scheduled with applicant
Group In-Person Interview - TBD
Notice - TBD
14-month term: TBD
County Ambassador Handbook
To apply, please:
- Complete the online application by TBD.
- Review the timeline listed above and ensure you'll be able to attend the virtual interview.
- Review the County Ambassador Handbook, including the Guidelines for County Ambassadors.
Late or incomplete applications will not be accepted.
Applicants will be interviewed (virtually on Zoom) by a panel of 4-H volunteers and staff. If you are unable to attend that day, please contact Michelle. The selection panel will then determine those youth that are to be selected as part of the Sacramento 4-H County Ambassador Team.
If you have any questions about the process or timeline, please contact Michelle Ross, the Sacramento 4-H County Program Coordinator. You can also reach Michelle via phone call at (916) 875-6530.