4-H Camp Registration
2022 4-H Summer Camp
Sacramento, Solano & Yolo County
June 25-30, 2023
Camp Gold Hollow, Nevada City
Camp Fees, if paid between:

Every year we work hard to keep the costs of our camp as accessible as possible for all youth! There is also financial assistance readily available. Please check with your County 4-H staff (Sacramento, Solano or Yolo) to see what assistance your camper may be eligible for.
Due to increased interest, if payment is not received by the due date, we will move your camper onto the wait list and fill their position with another youth.NEW MEMBER ENROLLMENT FEE (not currently enrolled in a 4-H program) $80.00 in Sacramento/Yolo/Solano
Please follow these steps to register all youth for camp:
To attend, you must be at least 9 years old when Camp begins.
- Complete this online 4-H Camp registration.
- Once completed, click Submit at bottom of page
- Make check payable to Sacramento 4-H for camp fee and enrollment fee (if not a current 4-H member) The enrollment fee of $80 can be paid online.
- If your child is not currently enrolled in 4-H, there is an additional $80.00 for 2022-23 member enrollment. 4-H enrollment is required to attend camp for insurance purposes.
- To enroll in 4-H, please go to 4-H Online
- Complete, Print and Sign the Youth Health Forms (Treatment Authorization/Health History)
- Please complete both pages of the above health form or Registration will not be accepted.
- You can either upload the completed health form (preferred) or mail it with your payment.
- Submit payment (see chart above for price) and Heath Forms to the Sacramento County 4-H office with your check.
Check: Make checks payable to Sacramento 4-H
and mail to:
UCCE Sacramento 4-H4-H Resident Camp4145 Branch Center RoadSacramento, CA 95827 -
Credit Card: Only the $80 4-H Enrollment Fee can by paid with credit card if camper is a new 4-H member
In-Person: Cash or check payments can be accepted at the Sacramento 4-H Office (4145 Branch Center Road, Sacramento, CA) Monday-Friday from 8:00am-5:00pm
REFUND POLICY: Refund requests must be in writing and submitted to your County 4-H and Sacramento 4-H Office by MAY 15, 2023. NO REFUNDS AFTER THIS DATE.